could not connect to port 22
"; } else { // first off all close our open socket fclose($con); if(!($con = ssh2_connect($ip, "22"))) { echo "sshdo(): failure, could not connect
"; } else { if(!ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($con, $user, $pubkey_file, $privkey_file)) { echo "sshdo(): failure, could not login
"; } else { //echo "logged in\n"; if(!($stream = ssh2_exec($con, "source /etc/profile; ".$cmd."; echo '__RETVAL__:'$?"))) { echo "sshdo(): failure, could not execute command '".$cmd."'
"; } else { // collect stream data stream_set_blocking($stream, true); $data = ""; while ($buf = fread($stream,4096)) { $data .= $buf; //echo "buf=" .$buf."\n"; } fclose($stream); # get the last element of data as retval $retval = explode('__RETVAL__:', trim($data)); } } } } // return an array -> 0=retval, 1=data return array($retval[1], $retval[0]); } function ssh_editvar($var, $value, $file) { global $ip; // sed cmd: ssh -l root 'sed -i -e "s|^\(VAR=\).*|\1\"VALUE\"| FILE' sshdo('if [[ ! -z $(grep "^'.$var.'=" '.$file.') ]]; then sed -i -e "s|^\('.$var.'=\).*|\1\"'.$value.'\"|" '.$file.' ;else echo "'.$var.'=\"'.$value.'\"" >> '.$file.'; fi', $ip); } function online($ip) { $ping = new PPPing(); $ping->hostname = $ip; $ping->timeout = "0.3"; $result = $ping->Ping(); if($result<0) { echo "error: ".$ping->strError($result); $retval=1; } else { echo $result." ms"; $retval=0; } return $retval; } ?>