#!/bin/sh # $Header: /home/cvsd/alx-cvs/alx-src/tinyalxconfig-ng/bin/startx-kdrive.sh,v 1.1 2008-06-17 19:02:01 niro Exp $ XSERVER=X SCREEN=1024x768x16 # -bs: disable backingstore support # -dpms: disable dpms extension # -su: disable any save under support # -tst: do not test for any extensions # -kb: disable keyboard extension # -ld: limit data space to N kilobytes # -lf: limit number of open files to N # -ls: limit stack space to N kilobytes #OPTS="-bs -dpms -su -tst -kb -ld 0 -lf 0 -ls 0 -mouse mouse,/dev/input/mice -keybd keyboard" OPTS="-ld 0 -lf 0 -ls 0 -mouse mouse,/dev/input/mice -keybd keyboard" su - station -c " source /etc/profile ${XSERVER} -screen ${SCREEN} -terminate -fp /usr/share/fonts/75dpi,/usr/share/fonts/misc -dpi 84 -audit 0 ${OPTS} & # sleep 1 export DISPLAY=:0 exec fluxbox " &