# $Id$ PNAME="keepalived" PVER="2.0.17" PBUILD="r5" PCAT="net-misc" DESCRIPTION="A strong and robust keepalive facility to the Linux Virtual Server project." HOMEPAGE="http://www.keepalived.org/" DEPEND=">= dev-libs/libnl3-3.2 >= dev-libs/openssl-1 >= dev-libs/popt-1.16 >= net-misc/iptables-1.6 >= sys-apps/dbus-1.12" SDEPEND=">= dev-libs/libnl3-dev-3.2 >= dev-libs/openssl-dev-1 >= dev-libs/popt-dev-1.16 >= net-misc/iptables-dev-1.6 >= sys-apps/dbus-dev-1.12" SRCFILE="${PNAME}-${PVER}.tar.gz" SRCDIR="${BUILDDIR}/${PNAME}-${PVER}" ALX_PKG_KEEP="etc/conf.d etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf usr/bin usr/lib/systemd usr/share/snmp usr/sbin" sminclude mbuild systemd alx-split SRC_URI=( http://www.keepalived.org/software/${SRCFILE} mirror://${PNAME}/${SRCFILE} mirror://${PNAME}/${PNAME}-2.0.13-confd-2.patch ) UP2DATE="updatecmd http://www.keepalived.org/download.html | highesttarball gz" src_prepare() { munpack ${SRCFILE} || die cd ${SRCDIR} # use /etc/conf.d instead of /etc/sysconfig mpatch ${PNAME}-2.0.13-confd-2.patch || die mautoreconf || die } src_compile() { cd ${SRCDIR} # tell configure where the unit dir resides or systemd will not detected due broken configure test mconfigure --with-systemdsystemunitdir=$(mget-systemd-unit-dir) || die mmake || die } alx_generic_src_install() { cd ${SRCDIR} mmake DESTDIR=${BINDIR} install || die # do not deploy any bundled ssl certificates mdelete /etc/keepalived/samples/\*.pem || die # move examples to /usr/share/doc minstalldir /usr/share/doc/${PNAME}-${PVER} || die mv ${BINDIR}/etc/keepalived/samples ${BINDIR}/usr/share/doc/${PNAME}-${PVER} || die minstalldocs AUTHOR CONTRIBUTORS COPYING ChangeLog README* TODO || die }