/* Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Red Hat, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mount_by_label.h" #define _(A) (A) #define CODE_SEG_SIZE 128 /* code segment checked by --bootloader-probe */ /* comments get lumped in with indention */ struct lineElement { char * item; char * indent; }; enum lineType_e { LT_WHITESPACE, LT_TITLE, LT_KERNEL, LT_INITRD, LT_DEFAULT, LT_UNKNOWN, LT_ROOT, LT_FALLBACK, LT_KERNELARGS, LT_BOOT, LT_BOOTROOT, LT_LBA, LT_MBMODULE, LT_OTHER, LT_GENERIC }; struct singleLine { char * indent; int numElements; struct lineElement * elements; struct singleLine * next; enum lineType_e type; }; struct singleEntry { struct singleLine * lines; int skip; int multiboot; struct singleEntry * next; }; #define GRUBBY_BADIMAGE_OKAY (1 << 0) #define GRUB_CONFIG_NO_DEFAULT (1 << 0) /* don't write out default=0 */ #define KERNEL_KERNEL (1 << 0) #define KERNEL_INITRD (1 << 2) #define KERNEL_TITLE (1 << 3) #define KERNEL_ARGS (1 << 4) #define KERNEL_MB (1 << 5) #define MAIN_DEFAULT (1 << 0) #define DEFAULT_SAVED -2 struct keywordTypes { char * key; enum lineType_e type; char nextChar; } ; struct configFileInfo { char * defaultConfig; struct keywordTypes * keywords; int defaultIsIndex; int defaultSupportSaved; enum lineType_e entrySeparator; int needsBootPrefix; int argsInQuotes; int maxTitleLength; int titleBracketed; }; struct keywordTypes grubKeywords[] = { { "title", LT_TITLE, ' ' }, { "root", LT_BOOTROOT, ' ' }, { "default", LT_DEFAULT, ' ' }, { "fallback", LT_FALLBACK, ' ' }, { "kernel", LT_KERNEL, ' ' }, { "initrd", LT_INITRD, ' ' }, { "module", LT_MBMODULE, ' ' }, { NULL, 0, 0 }, }; struct configFileInfo grubConfigType = { "/boot/grub/grub.conf", /* defaultConfig */ grubKeywords, /* keywords */ 1, /* defaultIsIndex */ 1, /* defaultSupportSaved */ LT_TITLE, /* entrySeparator */ 1, /* needsBootPrefix */ 0, /* argsInQuotes */ 0, /* maxTitleLength */ 0, /* titleBracketed */ }; struct keywordTypes yabootKeywords[] = { { "label", LT_TITLE, '=' }, { "root", LT_ROOT, '=' }, { "default", LT_DEFAULT, '=' }, { "image", LT_KERNEL, '=' }, { "bsd", LT_GENERIC, '=' }, { "macos", LT_GENERIC, '=' }, { "macosx", LT_GENERIC, '=' }, { "magicboot", LT_GENERIC, '=' }, { "darwin", LT_GENERIC, '=' }, { "timeout", LT_GENERIC, '=' }, { "install", LT_GENERIC, '=' }, { "fstype", LT_GENERIC, '=' }, { "hfstype", LT_GENERIC, '=' }, { "delay", LT_GENERIC, '=' }, { "defaultos", LT_GENERIC, '=' }, { "init-message", LT_GENERIC, '=' }, { "enablecdboot", LT_GENERIC, ' ' }, { "enableofboot", LT_GENERIC, ' ' }, { "enablenetboot", LT_GENERIC, ' ' }, { "nonvram", LT_GENERIC, ' ' }, { "hide", LT_GENERIC, ' ' }, { "protect", LT_GENERIC, ' ' }, { "nobless", LT_GENERIC, ' ' }, { "nonvram", LT_GENERIC, ' ' }, { "brokenosx", LT_GENERIC, ' ' }, { "usemount", LT_GENERIC, ' ' }, { "mntpoint", LT_GENERIC, '=' }, { "partition", LT_GENERIC, '=' }, { "device", LT_GENERIC, '=' }, { "fstype", LT_GENERIC, '=' }, { "initrd", LT_INITRD, '=' }, { "append", LT_KERNELARGS, '=' }, { "boot", LT_BOOT, '=' }, { "lba", LT_LBA, ' ' }, { NULL, 0, 0 }, }; struct keywordTypes liloKeywords[] = { { "label", LT_TITLE, '=' }, { "root", LT_ROOT, '=' }, { "default", LT_DEFAULT, '=' }, { "image", LT_KERNEL, '=' }, { "other", LT_OTHER, '=' }, { "initrd", LT_INITRD, '=' }, { "append", LT_KERNELARGS, '=' }, { "boot", LT_BOOT, '=' }, { "lba", LT_LBA, ' ' }, { NULL, 0, 0 }, }; struct keywordTypes siloKeywords[] = { { "label", LT_TITLE, '=' }, { "root", LT_ROOT, '=' }, { "default", LT_DEFAULT, '=' }, { "image", LT_KERNEL, '=' }, { "other", LT_OTHER, '=' }, { "initrd", LT_INITRD, '=' }, { "append", LT_KERNELARGS, '=' }, { "boot", LT_BOOT, '=' }, { NULL, 0, 0 }, }; struct keywordTypes ziplKeywords[] = { { "target", LT_BOOTROOT, '=' }, { "image", LT_KERNEL, '=' }, { "ramdisk", LT_INITRD, '=' }, { "parameters", LT_KERNELARGS, '=' }, { "default", LT_DEFAULT, '=' }, { NULL, 0, 0 }, }; struct configFileInfo eliloConfigType = { "/boot/efi/EFI/redhat/elilo.conf", /* defaultConfig */ liloKeywords, /* keywords */ 0, /* defaultIsIndex */ 0, /* defaultSupportSaved */ LT_KERNEL, /* entrySeparator */ 1, /* needsBootPrefix */ 1, /* argsInQuotes */ 0, /* maxTitleLength */ 0, /* titleBracketed */ }; struct configFileInfo liloConfigType = { "/etc/lilo.conf", /* defaultConfig */ liloKeywords, /* keywords */ 0, /* defaultIsIndex */ 0, /* defaultSupportSaved */ LT_KERNEL, /* entrySeparator */ 0, /* needsBootPrefix */ 1, /* argsInQuotes */ 15, /* maxTitleLength */ 0, /* titleBracketed */ }; struct configFileInfo yabootConfigType = { "/etc/yaboot.conf", /* defaultConfig */ yabootKeywords, /* keywords */ 0, /* defaultIsIndex */ 0, /* defaultSupportSaved */ LT_KERNEL, /* entrySeparator */ 1, /* needsBootPrefix */ 1, /* argsInQuotes */ 15, /* maxTitleLength */ 0, /* titleBracketed */ }; struct configFileInfo siloConfigType = { "/etc/silo.conf", /* defaultConfig */ siloKeywords, /* keywords */ 0, /* defaultIsIndex */ 0, /* defaultSupportSaved */ LT_KERNEL, /* entrySeparator */ 1, /* needsBootPrefix */ 1, /* argsInQuotes */ 15, /* maxTitleLength */ 0, /* titleBracketed */ }; struct configFileInfo ziplConfigType = { "/etc/zipl.conf", /* defaultConfig */ ziplKeywords, /* keywords */ 0, /* defaultIsIndex */ 0, /* defaultSupportSaved */ LT_TITLE, /* entrySeparator */ 0, /* needsBootPrefix */ 1, /* argsInQuotes */ 15, /* maxTitleLength */ 1, /* titleBracketed */ }; struct grubConfig { struct singleLine * theLines; struct singleEntry * entries; char * primaryIndent; char * secondaryIndent; int defaultImage; /* -1 if none specified -- this value is * written out, overriding original */ int fallbackImage; /* just like defaultImage */ int flags; struct configFileInfo * cfi; }; struct singleEntry * findEntryByIndex(struct grubConfig * cfg, int index); struct singleEntry * findEntryByPath(struct grubConfig * cfg, const char * path, const char * prefix, int * index); static char * strndup(char * from, int len); static int readFile(int fd, char ** bufPtr); static void lineInit(struct singleLine * line); static void lineFree(struct singleLine * line); static int lineWrite(FILE * out, struct singleLine * line, struct configFileInfo * cfi); static int getNextLine(char ** bufPtr, struct singleLine * line, struct configFileInfo * cfi); static char * getRootSpecifier(char * str); static char * strndup(char * from, int len) { char * to; to = malloc(len + 1); strncpy(to, from, len); to[len] = '\0'; return to; } static char * sdupprintf(const char *format, ...) #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2))); #else ; #endif static char * sdupprintf(const char *format, ...) { char *buf = NULL; char c; va_list args; size_t size = 0; va_start(args, format); /* XXX requires C99 vsnprintf behavior */ size = vsnprintf(&c, 1, format, args) + 1; if (size == -1) { printf("ERROR: vsnprintf behavior is not C99\n"); abort(); } va_end(args); va_start(args, format); buf = malloc(size); if (buf == NULL) return NULL; vsnprintf(buf, size, format, args); va_end (args); return buf; } static int isBracketedTitle(struct singleLine * line) { if ((*line->elements[0].item == '[') && (line->numElements == 1)) { int len = strlen(line->elements[0].item); if (*(line->elements[0].item + len - 1) == ']') { /* FIXME: this is a hack... */ if (strcmp(line->elements[0].item, "[defaultboot]")) { return 1; } } } return 0; } /* figure out if this is a entry separator */ static int isEntrySeparator(struct singleLine * line, struct configFileInfo * cfi) { if (line->type == LT_WHITESPACE) return 0; if (line->type == cfi->entrySeparator) return 1; if (line->type == LT_OTHER) return 1; if (cfi->titleBracketed && isBracketedTitle(line)) { return 1; } return 0; } /* extract the title from within brackets (for zipl) */ static char * extractTitle(struct singleLine * line) { /* bracketed title... let's extract it (leaks a byte) */ char * title; title = strdup(line->elements[0].item); title++; *(title + strlen(title) - 1) = '\0'; return title; } static int readFile(int fd, char ** bufPtr) { int alloced = 0, size = 0, i = 0; char * buf = NULL; do { size += i; if ((size + 1024) > alloced) { alloced += 4096; buf = realloc(buf, alloced + 1); } } while ((i = read(fd, buf + size, 1024)) > 0); if (i < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("error reading input: %s\n"), strerror(errno)); free(buf); return 1; } buf = realloc(buf, size + 2); if (size == 0) buf[size++] = '\n'; else if (buf[size - 1] != '\n') buf[size++] = '\n'; buf[size] = '\0'; *bufPtr = buf; return 0; } static void lineInit(struct singleLine * line) { line->indent = NULL; line->elements = NULL; line->numElements = 0; line->next = NULL; } static void lineFree(struct singleLine * line) { int i; if (line->indent) free(line->indent); for (i = 0; i < line->numElements; i++) { free(line->elements[i].item); free(line->elements[i].indent); } if (line->elements) free(line->elements); lineInit(line); } static int lineWrite(FILE * out, struct singleLine * line, struct configFileInfo * cfi) { int i; if (fprintf(out, "%s", line->indent) == -1) return -1; for (i = 0; i < line->numElements; i++) { if (i == 1 && line->type == LT_KERNELARGS && cfi->argsInQuotes) if (fputc('"', out) == EOF) return -1; if (fprintf(out, "%s", line->elements[i].item) == -1) return -1; if (fprintf(out, "%s", line->elements[i].indent) == -1) return -1; } if (line->type == LT_KERNELARGS && cfi->argsInQuotes) if (fputc('"', out) == EOF) return -1; if (fprintf(out, "\n") == -1) return -1; return 0; } /* we've guaranteed that the buffer ends w/ \n\0 */ static int getNextLine(char ** bufPtr, struct singleLine * line, struct configFileInfo * cfi) { char * end; char * start = *bufPtr; char * chptr; int elementsAlloced = 0; struct lineElement * element; struct keywordTypes * keywords = cfi->keywords; int first = 1; int i; lineFree(line); end = strchr(start, '\n'); *end = '\0'; *bufPtr = end + 1; for (chptr = start; *chptr && isspace(*chptr); chptr++) ; line->indent = strndup(start, chptr - start); start = chptr; while (start < end) { /* we know !isspace(*start) */ if (elementsAlloced == line->numElements) { elementsAlloced += 5; line->elements = realloc(line->elements, sizeof(*line->elements) * elementsAlloced); } element = line->elements + line->numElements; chptr = start; while (*chptr && !isspace(*chptr)) { if (first && *chptr == '=') break; chptr++; } element->item = strndup(start, chptr - start); start = chptr; /* lilo actually accepts the pathological case of append = " foo " */ if (*start == '=') chptr = start + 1; else chptr = start; do { for (; *chptr && isspace(*chptr); chptr++); if (*chptr == '=') chptr = chptr + 1; } while (isspace(*chptr)); element->indent = strndup(start, chptr - start); start = chptr; line->numElements++; first = 0; } if (!line->numElements) line->type = LT_WHITESPACE; else { for (i = 0; keywords[i].key; i++) if (!strcmp(line->elements[0].item, keywords[i].key)) break; if (keywords[i].key) { line->type = keywords[i].type; } else { line->type = LT_UNKNOWN; /* zipl does [title] instead of something reasonable like all * the other boot loaders. kind of ugly */ if (cfi->titleBracketed && isBracketedTitle(line)) { line->type = LT_TITLE; } /* this is awkward, but we need to be able to handle keywords that begin with a # (specifically for #boot in grub.conf), but still make comments lines with no elements (everything stored in the indent */ if (*line->elements[0].item == '#') { char * fullLine; int len; int i; len = strlen(line->indent); for (i = 0; i < line->numElements; i++) len += strlen(line->elements[i].item) + strlen(line->elements[i].indent); fullLine = malloc(len + 1); strcpy(fullLine, line->indent); free(line->indent); line->indent = fullLine; for (i = 0; i < line->numElements; i++) { strcat(fullLine, line->elements[i].item); strcat(fullLine, line->elements[i].indent); free(line->elements[i].item); free(line->elements[i].indent); } line->type = LT_WHITESPACE; line->numElements = 0; } } } return 0; } static struct grubConfig * readConfig(const char * inName, struct configFileInfo * cfi) { int in; char * incoming = NULL, * head; int rc; int sawEntry = 0; int movedLine = 0; struct grubConfig * cfg; struct singleLine * last = NULL, * line, * defaultLine = NULL; char * end; struct singleEntry * entry = NULL; int i, len; char * buf; if (!strcmp(inName, "-")) { in = 0; } else { if ((in = open(inName, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("error opening %s for read: %s\n"), inName, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } } rc = readFile(in, &incoming); close(in); if (rc) return NULL; head = incoming; cfg = malloc(sizeof(*cfg)); cfg->primaryIndent = strdup(""); cfg->secondaryIndent = strdup("\t"); cfg->flags = GRUB_CONFIG_NO_DEFAULT; cfg->cfi = cfi; cfg->theLines = NULL; cfg->entries = NULL; cfg->fallbackImage = 0; /* copy everything we have */ while (*head) { line = malloc(sizeof(*line)); lineInit(line); if (getNextLine(&head, line, cfi)) { free(line); /* XXX memory leak of everything in cfg */ return NULL; } if (!sawEntry && line->numElements) { free(cfg->primaryIndent); cfg->primaryIndent = strdup(line->indent); } else if (line->numElements) { free(cfg->secondaryIndent); cfg->secondaryIndent = strdup(line->indent); } if (isEntrySeparator(line, cfi)) { sawEntry = 1; if (!entry) { cfg->entries = malloc(sizeof(*entry)); entry = cfg->entries; } else { entry->next = malloc(sizeof(*entry)); entry = entry->next; } entry->skip = 0; entry->multiboot = 0; entry->lines = NULL; entry->next = NULL; } if (line->type == LT_DEFAULT && line->numElements == 2) { cfg->flags &= ~GRUB_CONFIG_NO_DEFAULT; defaultLine = line; } else if (line->type == LT_MBMODULE) { entry->multiboot = 1; } else if (line->type == LT_FALLBACK && line->numElements == 2) { cfg->fallbackImage = strtol(line->elements[1].item, &end, 10); if (*end) cfg->fallbackImage = -1; } else if (line->type == LT_TITLE && line->numElements > 1) { /* make the title a single argument (undoing our parsing) */ len = 0; for (i = 1; i < line->numElements; i++) { len += strlen(line->elements[i].item); len += strlen(line->elements[i].indent); } buf = malloc(len + 1); *buf = '\0'; for (i = 1; i < line->numElements; i++) { strcat(buf, line->elements[i].item); free(line->elements[i].item); if ((i + 1) != line->numElements) { strcat(buf, line->elements[i].indent); free(line->elements[i].indent); } } line->elements[1].indent = line->elements[line->numElements - 1].indent; line->elements[1].item = buf; line->numElements = 2; } else if (line->type == LT_KERNELARGS && cfi->argsInQuotes) { /* Strip off any " which may be present; they'll be put back on write. This is one of the few (the only?) places that grubby canonicalizes the output */ if (line->numElements >= 2) { int last, len; if (*line->elements[1].item == '"') memcpy(line->elements[1].item, line->elements[1].item + 1, strlen(line->elements[1].item + 1) + 1); last = line->numElements - 1; len = strlen(line->elements[last].item) - 1; if (line->elements[last].item[len] == '"') line->elements[last].item[len] = '\0'; } } /* If we find a generic config option which should live at the top of the file, move it there. Old versions of grubby were probably responsible for putting new images in the wrong place in front of it anyway. */ if (sawEntry && line->type == LT_GENERIC) { struct singleLine **l = &cfg->theLines; struct singleLine **last_nonws = &cfg->theLines; while (*l) { if ((*l)->type != LT_WHITESPACE) last_nonws = &((*l)->next); l = &((*l)->next); } line->next = *last_nonws; *last_nonws = line; movedLine = 1; continue; /* without setting 'last' */ } /* If a second line of whitespace happens after a generic option which was moved, drop it. */ if (movedLine && line->type == LT_WHITESPACE && last->type == LT_WHITESPACE) { lineFree(line); free(line); movedLine = 0; continue; } movedLine = 0; if (sawEntry) { if (!entry->lines) entry->lines = line; else last->next = line; } else { if (!cfg->theLines) cfg->theLines = line; else { last->next = line; } } last = line; } free(incoming); if (defaultLine) { if (cfi->defaultSupportSaved && !strncmp(defaultLine->elements[1].item, "saved", 5)) { cfg->defaultImage = DEFAULT_SAVED; } else if (cfi->defaultIsIndex) { cfg->defaultImage = strtol(defaultLine->elements[1].item, &end, 10); if (*end) cfg->defaultImage = -1; } else if (defaultLine->numElements >= 2) { i = 0; while ((entry = findEntryByIndex(cfg, i))) { for (line = entry->lines; line; line = line->next) if (line->type == LT_TITLE) break; if (!cfi->titleBracketed) { if (line && (line->numElements >= 2) && !strcmp(defaultLine->elements[1].item, line->elements[1].item)) break; } else if (line) { if (!strcmp(defaultLine->elements[1].item, extractTitle(line))) break; } i++; } if (entry) cfg->defaultImage = i; } } return cfg; } static void writeDefault(FILE * out, char * indent, char * separator, struct grubConfig * cfg) { struct singleEntry * entry; struct singleLine * line; int i; if (!cfg->defaultImage && cfg->flags == GRUB_CONFIG_NO_DEFAULT) return; if (cfg->defaultImage == DEFAULT_SAVED) fprintf(out, "%sdefault%ssaved\n", indent, separator); else if (cfg->defaultImage > -1) { if (cfg->cfi->defaultIsIndex) { fprintf(out, "%sdefault%s%d\n", indent, separator, cfg->defaultImage); } else { int image = cfg->defaultImage; entry = cfg->entries; while (entry && entry->skip) entry = entry->next; i = 0; while (entry && i < image) { entry = entry->next; while (entry && entry->skip) entry = entry->next; i++; } if (!entry) return; line = entry->lines; while (line && line->type != LT_TITLE) line = line->next; if (line && line->numElements >= 2) fprintf(out, "%sdefault%s%s\n", indent, separator, line->elements[1].item); else if (line && (line->numElements == 1) && cfg->cfi->titleBracketed) { fprintf(out, "%sdefault%s%s\n", indent, separator, extractTitle(line)); } } } } static int writeConfig(struct grubConfig * cfg, char * outName, const char * prefix) { FILE * out; struct singleLine * line; struct singleEntry * entry; char * tmpOutName; int needs = MAIN_DEFAULT; struct stat sb; int i; if (!strcmp(outName, "-")) { out = stdout; tmpOutName = NULL; } else { if (!lstat(outName, &sb) && S_ISLNK(sb.st_mode)) { char * buf; int len = 256; int rc; /* most likely the symlink is relative, so change our directory to / */ rc = chdir("/"); do { buf = alloca(len + 1); rc = readlink(outName, buf, len); if (rc == len) len += 256; } while (rc == len); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: error readlink link %s: %s\n"), outName, strerror(errno)); return 1; } outName = buf; outName[rc] = '\0'; } tmpOutName = alloca(strlen(outName) + 2); sprintf(tmpOutName, "%s-", outName); out = fopen(tmpOutName, "w"); if (!out) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: error creating %s: %s\n"), tmpOutName, strerror(errno)); return 1; } if (!stat(outName, &sb)) { if (chmod(tmpOutName, sb.st_mode & ~(S_IFMT))) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: error setting perms on %s: %s\n"), tmpOutName, strerror(errno)); fclose(out); unlink(tmpOutName); return 1; } } } line = cfg->theLines; while (line) { if (line->type == LT_DEFAULT) { writeDefault(out, line->indent, line->elements[0].indent, cfg); needs &= ~MAIN_DEFAULT; } else if (line->type == LT_FALLBACK) { if (cfg->fallbackImage > -1) fprintf(out, "%s%s%s%d\n", line->indent, line->elements[0].item, line->elements[0].indent, cfg->fallbackImage); } else { if (lineWrite(out, line, cfg->cfi) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: error writing %s: %s\n"), tmpOutName, strerror(errno)); fclose(out); unlink(tmpOutName); return 1; } } line = line->next; } if (needs & MAIN_DEFAULT) { writeDefault(out, cfg->primaryIndent, "=", cfg); needs &= ~MAIN_DEFAULT; } i = 0; while ((entry = findEntryByIndex(cfg, i++))) { if (entry->skip) continue; line = entry->lines; while (line) { if (lineWrite(out, line, cfg->cfi) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: error writing %s: %s\n"), tmpOutName, strerror(errno)); fclose(out); unlink(tmpOutName); return 1; } line = line->next; } } if (tmpOutName) { if (rename(tmpOutName, outName)) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: error moving %s to %s: %s\n"), tmpOutName, outName, strerror(errno)); unlink(outName); return 1; } } return 0; } static int numEntries(struct grubConfig *cfg) { int i = 0; struct singleEntry * entry; entry = cfg->entries; while (entry) { if (!entry->skip) i++; entry = entry->next; } return i; } int suitableImage(struct singleEntry * entry, const char * bootPrefix, int skipRemoved, int flags) { struct singleLine * line; char * fullName; int i; struct stat sb, sb2; char * dev; char * end; char * rootspec; line = entry->lines; while (line && line->type != LT_KERNEL) line = line->next; if (!line) return 0; if (skipRemoved && entry->skip) return 0; if (line->numElements < 2) return 0; if (flags & GRUBBY_BADIMAGE_OKAY) return 1; fullName = alloca(strlen(bootPrefix) + strlen(line->elements[1].item) + 1); rootspec = getRootSpecifier(line->elements[1].item); sprintf(fullName, "%s%s", bootPrefix, line->elements[1].item + ((rootspec != NULL) ? strlen(rootspec) : 0)); if (access(fullName, R_OK)) return 0; for (i = 2; i < line->numElements; i++) if (!strncasecmp(line->elements[i].item, "root=", 5)) break; if (i < line->numElements) { dev = line->elements[i].item + 5; } else { /* look for a lilo style LT_ROOT line */ line = entry->lines; while (line && line->type != LT_ROOT) line = line->next; if (line && line->numElements >= 2) { dev = line->elements[1].item; } else { int type; /* didn't succeed in finding a LT_ROOT, let's try LT_KERNELARGS */ line = entry->lines; type = ((entry->multiboot) ? LT_MBMODULE : LT_KERNELARGS); while (line && line->type != type) line = line->next; /* failed to find one */ if (!line) return 0; for (i = 1; i < line->numElements; i++) if (!strncasecmp(line->elements[i].item, "root=", 5)) break; if (i < line->numElements) dev = line->elements[i].item + 5; else { /* it failed too... can't find root= */ return 0; } } } if (!strncmp(dev, "LABEL=", 6)) { dev += 6; /* check which device has this label */ dev = get_spec_by_volume_label(dev, &i, &i); if (!dev) return 0; } if (*dev == '/') { if (stat(dev, &sb)) return 0; } else { sb.st_rdev = strtol(dev, &end, 16); if (*end) return 0; } stat("/", &sb2); if (sb.st_rdev != sb2.st_dev) return 0; return 1; } /* returns the first match on or after the one pointed to by index (if index is not NULL) which is not marked as skip */ struct singleEntry * findEntryByPath(struct grubConfig * config, const char * kernel, const char * prefix, int * index) { struct singleEntry * entry = NULL; struct singleLine * line; int i; char * chptr; char * rootspec = NULL; enum lineType_e checkType = LT_KERNEL; if (isdigit(*kernel)) { int * indexVars = alloca(sizeof(*indexVars) * strlen(kernel)); i = 0; indexVars[i] = strtol(kernel, &chptr, 10); while (*chptr == ',') { i++; kernel = chptr + 1; indexVars[i] = strtol(kernel, &chptr, 10); } if (*chptr) { /* can't parse it, bail */ return NULL; } indexVars[i + 1] = -1; i = 0; if (index) { while (i < *index) i++; if (indexVars[i] == -1) return NULL; } entry = findEntryByIndex(config, indexVars[i]); if (!entry) return NULL; line = entry->lines; while (line && line->type != LT_KERNEL) line = line->next; if (!line) return NULL; if (index) *index = indexVars[i]; return entry; } if (!strcmp(kernel, "DEFAULT")) { if (index && *index > config->defaultImage) { entry = NULL; } else { entry = findEntryByIndex(config, config->defaultImage); if (entry && entry->skip) entry = NULL; else if (index) *index = config->defaultImage; } } else if (!strcmp(kernel, "ALL")) { if (index) i = *index; else i = 0; while ((entry = findEntryByIndex(config, i))) { if (!entry->skip) break; i++; } if (entry && index) *index = i; } else { if (index) i = *index; else i = 0; if (!strncmp(kernel, "TITLE=", 6)) { prefix = ""; checkType = LT_TITLE; kernel += 6; } while ((entry = findEntryByIndex(config, i))) { line = entry->lines; while (line && line->type != checkType) line=line->next; if (line && line->numElements >= 2 && !entry->skip) { rootspec = getRootSpecifier(line->elements[1].item); if (!strcmp(line->elements[1].item + ((rootspec != NULL) ? strlen(rootspec) : 0), kernel + strlen(prefix))) break; } /* have to check multiboot lines too */ if (entry->multiboot) { while (line && line->type != LT_MBMODULE) line = line->next; if (line && line->numElements >= 2 && !entry->skip) { rootspec = getRootSpecifier(line->elements[1].item); if (!strcmp(line->elements[1].item + ((rootspec != NULL) ? strlen(rootspec) : 0), kernel + strlen(prefix))) break; } } i++; } if (index) *index = i; } if (!entry) return NULL; /* make sure this entry has a kernel identifier; this skips non-Linux boot entries (could find netbsd etc, though, which is unfortunate) */ line = entry->lines; while (line && line->type != LT_KERNEL) line = line->next; if (!line) { if (!index) index = &i; (*index)++; return findEntryByPath(config, kernel, prefix, index); } return entry; } struct singleEntry * findEntryByIndex(struct grubConfig * cfg, int index) { struct singleEntry * entry; entry = cfg->entries; while (index && entry) { entry = entry->next; index--; } return entry; } /* Find a good template to use for the new kernel. An entry is * good if the kernel and mkinitrd exist (even if the entry * is going to be removed). Try and use the default entry, but * if that doesn't work just take the first. If we can't find one, * bail. */ struct singleEntry * findTemplate(struct grubConfig * cfg, const char * prefix, int * indexPtr, int skipRemoved, int flags) { struct singleEntry * entry, * entry2; int index; if (cfg->defaultImage > -1) { entry = findEntryByIndex(cfg, cfg->defaultImage); if (entry && suitableImage(entry, prefix, skipRemoved, flags)) { if (indexPtr) *indexPtr = cfg->defaultImage; return entry; } } index = 0; while ((entry = findEntryByIndex(cfg, index))) { if (suitableImage(entry, prefix, skipRemoved, flags)) { int j; for (j = 0; j < index; j++) { entry2 = findEntryByIndex(cfg, j); if (entry2->skip) index--; } if (indexPtr) *indexPtr = index; return entry; } index++; } fprintf(stderr, _("grubby fatal error: unable to find a suitable template\n")); return NULL; } char * findBootPrefix(void) { struct stat sb, sb2; stat("/", &sb); #ifdef __ia64__ stat("/boot/efi/EFI/redhat/", &sb2); #else stat("/boot", &sb2); #endif if (sb.st_dev == sb2.st_dev) return strdup(""); #ifdef __ia64__ return strdup("/boot/efi/EFI/redhat/"); #else return strdup("/boot"); #endif } void markRemovedImage(struct grubConfig * cfg, const char * image, const char * prefix) { struct singleEntry * entry; if (!image) return; while ((entry = findEntryByPath(cfg, image, prefix, NULL))) entry->skip = 1; } void setDefaultImage(struct grubConfig * config, int hasNew, const char * defaultKernelPath, int newIsDefault, const char * prefix, int flags) { struct singleEntry * entry, * entry2, * newDefault; int i, j; if (newIsDefault) { config->defaultImage = 0; return; } else if (defaultKernelPath) { i = 0; if (findEntryByPath(config, defaultKernelPath, prefix, &i)) { config->defaultImage = i; } else { config->defaultImage = -1; return; } } /* defaultImage now points to what we'd like to use, but before any order changes */ if (config->defaultImage == DEFAULT_SAVED) /* default is set to saved, we don't want to change it */ return; if (config->defaultImage > -1) entry = findEntryByIndex(config, config->defaultImage); else entry = NULL; if (entry && !entry->skip) { /* we can preserve the default */ if (hasNew) config->defaultImage++; /* count the number of entries erased before this one */ for (j = 0; j < config->defaultImage; j++) { entry2 = findEntryByIndex(config, j); if (entry2->skip) config->defaultImage--; } } else if (hasNew) { config->defaultImage = 0; } else { /* Either we just erased the default (or the default line was bad * to begin with) and didn't put a new one in. We'll use the first * valid image. */ newDefault = findTemplate(config, prefix, &config->defaultImage, 1, flags); if (!newDefault) config->defaultImage = -1; } } void setFallbackImage(struct grubConfig * config, int hasNew) { struct singleEntry * entry, * entry2; int j; if (config->fallbackImage == -1) return; entry = findEntryByIndex(config, config->fallbackImage); if (!entry || entry->skip) { config->fallbackImage = -1; return; } if (hasNew) config->fallbackImage++; /* count the number of entries erased before this one */ for (j = 0; j < config->fallbackImage; j++) { entry2 = findEntryByIndex(config, j); if (entry2->skip) config->fallbackImage--; } } void displayEntry(struct singleEntry * entry, const char * prefix, int index) { struct singleLine * line; char * root = NULL; int i; line = entry->lines; while (line && line->type != LT_KERNEL) line = line->next; printf("index=%d\n", index); printf("kernel=%s\n", line->elements[1].item); if (line->numElements >= 3) { printf("args=\""); i = 2; while (i < line->numElements) { if (!strncmp(line->elements[i].item, "root=", 5)) { root = line->elements[i].item + 5; } else { printf("%s%s", line->elements[i].item, line->elements[i].indent); } i++; } printf("\"\n"); } else { line = entry->lines; while (line && line->type != LT_KERNELARGS) line=line->next; if (line) { char * s; printf("args=\""); i = 1; while (i < line->numElements) { if (!strncmp(line->elements[i].item, "root=", 5)) { root = line->elements[i].item + 5; } else { s = line->elements[i].item; printf("%s%s", s, line->elements[i].indent); } i++; } s = line->elements[i - 1].indent; printf("\"\n"); } } if (!root) { line = entry->lines; while (line && line->type != LT_ROOT) line = line->next; if (line && line->numElements >= 2) root=line->elements[1].item; } if (root) { char * s = alloca(strlen(root) + 1); strcpy(s, root); if (s[strlen(s) - 1] == '"') s[strlen(s) - 1] = '\0'; /* make sure the root doesn't have a trailing " */ printf("root=%s\n", s); } line = entry->lines; while (line && line->type != LT_INITRD) line = line->next; if (line && line->numElements >= 2) { printf("initrd=%s", prefix); for (i = 1; i < line->numElements; i++) printf("%s%s", line->elements[i].item, line->elements[i].indent); printf("\n"); } } int parseSysconfigGrub(int * lbaPtr, char ** bootPtr) { FILE * in; char buf[1024]; char * chptr; char * start; char * param; in = fopen("/etc/sysconfig/grub", "r"); if (!in) return 1; if (lbaPtr) *lbaPtr = 0; if (bootPtr) *bootPtr = NULL; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), in)) { start = buf; while (isspace(*start)) start++; if (*start == '#') continue; chptr = strchr(start, '='); if (!chptr) continue; chptr--; while (*chptr && isspace(*chptr)) chptr--; chptr++; *chptr = '\0'; param = chptr + 1; while (*param && isspace(*param)) param++; if (*param == '=') { param++; while (*param && isspace(*param)) param++; } chptr = param; while (*chptr && !isspace(*chptr)) chptr++; *chptr = '\0'; if (!strcmp(start, "forcelba") && !strcmp(param, "1") && lbaPtr) *lbaPtr = 1; else if (!strcmp(start, "boot") && bootPtr) *bootPtr = strdup(param); } fclose(in); return 0; } void dumpSysconfigGrub(void) { char * boot; int lba; if (!parseSysconfigGrub(&lba, &boot)) { if (lba) printf("lba\n"); if (boot) printf("boot=%s\n", boot); } } int displayInfo(struct grubConfig * config, char * kernel, const char * prefix) { int i = 0; struct singleEntry * entry; struct singleLine * line; entry = findEntryByPath(config, kernel, prefix, &i); if (!entry) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: kernel not found\n")); return 1; } /* this is a horrible hack to support /etc/sysconfig/grub; there must be a better way */ if (config->cfi == &grubConfigType) { dumpSysconfigGrub(); } else { line = config->theLines; while (line && line->type != LT_BOOT) line = line->next; if (line && line->numElements >= 1) { printf("boot=%s\n", line->elements[1].item); } line = config->theLines; while (line && line->type != LT_LBA) line = line->next; if (line) printf("lba\n"); } displayEntry(entry, prefix, i); i++; while ((entry = findEntryByPath(config, kernel, prefix, &i))) { displayEntry(entry, prefix, i); i++; } return 0; } /* val may be NULL */ struct singleLine * addLine(struct singleEntry * entry, struct configFileInfo * cfi, enum lineType_e type, const char * defaultIndent, char * val) { struct singleLine * line, * prev; int i; for (i = 0; cfi->keywords[i].key; i++) if (cfi->keywords[i].type == type) break; if (type != LT_TITLE || !cfi->titleBracketed) if (!cfi->keywords[i].key) abort(); /* The last non-empty line gives us the indention to us and the line to insert after. Note that comments are considered empty lines, which may not be ideal? If there are no lines or we are looking at the first line, we use defaultIndent (the first line is normally indented differently from the rest) */ if (entry->lines) { line = entry->lines; prev = NULL; while (line) { if (line->numElements) prev = line; line = line->next; } if (!prev) { /* just use the last line */ prev = entry->lines; while (prev->next) prev = prev->next; } line = prev->next; prev->next = malloc(sizeof(*line)); prev->next->next = line; line = prev->next; if (prev == entry->lines) line->indent = strdup(defaultIndent); else line->indent = strdup(prev->indent); } else { line = malloc(sizeof(*line)); line->indent = strdup(defaultIndent); line->next = NULL; } if (type != LT_TITLE || !cfi->titleBracketed) { line->type = type; line->numElements = val ? 2 : 1; line->elements = malloc(sizeof(*line->elements) * line->numElements); line->elements[0].item = strdup(cfi->keywords[i].key); line->elements[0].indent = malloc(2); line->elements[0].indent[0] = cfi->keywords[i].nextChar; line->elements[0].indent[1] = '\0'; if (val) { line->elements[1].item = val; line->elements[1].indent = strdup(""); } } else { /* we're doing the title of a bracketed title (zipl) */ line->type = type; line->numElements = 1; line->elements = malloc(sizeof(*line->elements) * line->numElements); line->elements[0].item = malloc(strlen(val) + 3); sprintf(line->elements[0].item, "[%s]", val); line->elements[0].indent = strdup(""); } return line; } void removeLine(struct singleEntry * entry, struct singleLine * line) { struct singleLine * prev; int i; for (i = 0; i < line->numElements; i++) { free(line->elements[i].item); free(line->elements[i].indent); } free(line->elements); free(line->indent); if (line == entry->lines) { entry->lines = line->next; } else { prev = entry->lines; while (prev->next != line) prev = prev->next; prev->next = line->next; } free(line); } int argMatch(const char * one, const char * two) { char * first, * second; char * chptr; first = strcpy(alloca(strlen(one) + 1), one); second = strcpy(alloca(strlen(two) + 1), two); chptr = strchr(first, '='); if (chptr) *chptr = '\0'; chptr = strchr(second, '='); if (chptr) *chptr = '\0'; return strcmp(first, second); } int updateActualImage(struct grubConfig * cfg, const char * image, const char * prefix, const char * addArgs, const char * removeArgs, int multibootArgs) { struct singleEntry * entry; struct singleLine * line, * rootLine; int index = 0; int i, j, k; const char ** newArgs, ** oldArgs; const char ** arg; const char * chptr; int useKernelArgs = 0; int useRoot = 0; int firstElement; int *usedElements, *usedArgs; if (!image) return 0; if (!addArgs) { newArgs = malloc(sizeof(*newArgs)); *newArgs = NULL; } else { if (poptParseArgvString(addArgs, NULL, &newArgs)) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: error separating arguments '%s'\n"), addArgs); return 1; } } if (!removeArgs) { oldArgs = malloc(sizeof(*oldArgs)); *oldArgs = NULL; } else { if (poptParseArgvString(removeArgs, NULL, &oldArgs)) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: error separating arguments '%s'\n"), removeArgs); free(newArgs); return 1; } } for (i = 0; cfg->cfi->keywords[i].key; i++) if (cfg->cfi->keywords[i].type == LT_KERNELARGS) break; if (cfg->cfi->keywords[i].key) useKernelArgs = 1; for (i = 0; cfg->cfi->keywords[i].key; i++) if (cfg->cfi->keywords[i].type == LT_ROOT) break; if (cfg->cfi->keywords[i].key) useRoot = 1; k = 0; for (arg = newArgs; *arg; arg++) k++; usedArgs = calloc(k, sizeof(int)); while ((entry = findEntryByPath(cfg, image, prefix, &index))) { index++; line = entry->lines; while (line && line->type != LT_KERNEL) line = line->next; if (!line) continue; firstElement = 2; if (entry->multiboot && !multibootArgs) { /* first mb module line is the real kernel */ while (line && line->type != LT_MBMODULE) line = line->next; firstElement = 2; } else if (useKernelArgs) { while (line && line->type != LT_KERNELARGS) line = line->next; firstElement = 1; } if (!line && useKernelArgs) { /* no append in there, need to add it */ line = addLine(entry, cfg->cfi, LT_KERNELARGS, NULL, NULL); } usedElements = calloc(line->numElements, sizeof(int)); k = 0; for (arg = newArgs; *arg; arg++) { if (usedArgs[k]) { k++; continue; } for (i = firstElement; i < line->numElements; i++) { if (usedElements[i]) continue; if (!argMatch(line->elements[i].item, *arg)) { usedElements[i]=1; usedArgs[k]=1; break; } } chptr = strchr(*arg, '='); if (i < line->numElements) { /* replace */ free(line->elements[i].item); line->elements[i].item = strdup(*arg); } else if (useRoot && !strncmp(*arg, "root=/dev/", 10) && *chptr) { rootLine = entry->lines; while (rootLine && rootLine->type != LT_ROOT) rootLine = rootLine->next; if (!rootLine) { rootLine = addLine(entry, cfg->cfi, LT_ROOT, NULL, NULL); rootLine->elements = realloc(rootLine->elements, 2 * sizeof(*rootLine->elements)); rootLine->numElements++; rootLine->elements[1].indent = strdup(""); rootLine->elements[1].item = strdup(""); } free(rootLine->elements[1].item); rootLine->elements[1].item = strdup(chptr + 1); } else { /* append */ line->elements = realloc(line->elements, (line->numElements + 1) * sizeof(*line->elements)); line->elements[line->numElements].item = strdup(*arg); usedElements = realloc(usedElements, (line->numElements + 1) * sizeof(int)); usedElements[line->numElements] = 1; if (line->numElements > 1) { /* add to existing list of arguments */ line->elements[line->numElements].indent = line->elements[line->numElements - 1].indent; line->elements[line->numElements - 1].indent = strdup(" "); } else { /* First thing on this line; treat a bit differently. Note this is only possible if we've added a LT_KERNELARGS entry */ line->elements[line->numElements].indent = strdup(""); } line->numElements++; /* if we updated a root= here even though there is a LT_ROOT available we need to remove the LT_ROOT entry (this will happen if we switch from a device to a label) */ if (useRoot && !strncmp(*arg, "root=", 5)) { rootLine = entry->lines; while (rootLine && rootLine->type != LT_ROOT) rootLine = rootLine->next; if (rootLine) { removeLine(entry, rootLine); } } } k++; } free(usedElements); /* no arguments to remove (i.e. no append line) */ if (!line) continue; /* this won't remove an LT_ROOT item properly (but then again, who cares? */ for (arg = oldArgs; *arg; arg++) { for (i = firstElement; i < line->numElements; i++) if (!argMatch(line->elements[i].item, *arg)) break; if (i < line->numElements) { /* if this isn't the first argument the previous argument gets this arguments post-indention */ if (i > firstElement) { free(line->elements[i - 1].indent); line->elements[i - 1].indent = line->elements[i].indent; } free(line->elements[i].item); for (j = i + 1; j < line->numElements; j++) line->elements[j - 1] = line->elements[j]; line->numElements--; } } if (line->numElements == 1) { /* don't need the line at all (note it has to be a LT_KERNELARGS for this to happen */ removeLine(entry, line); } } free(usedArgs); free(newArgs); free(oldArgs); return 0; } int updateImage(struct grubConfig * cfg, const char * image, const char * prefix, const char * addArgs, const char * removeArgs, const char * addMBArgs, const char * removeMBArgs) { int rc = 0; if (!image) return rc; /* update the main args first... */ if (addArgs || removeArgs) rc = updateActualImage(cfg, image, prefix, addArgs, removeArgs, 0); if (rc) return rc; /* and now any multiboot args */ if (addMBArgs || removeMBArgs) rc = updateActualImage(cfg, image, prefix, addMBArgs, removeMBArgs, 1); return rc; } int checkDeviceBootloader(const char * device, const unsigned char * boot) { int fd; unsigned char bootSect[512]; int offset; fd = open(device, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: unable to open %s: %s\n"), device, strerror(errno)); return 1; } if (read(fd, bootSect, 512) != 512) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: unable to read %s: %s\n"), device, strerror(errno)); return 1; } close(fd); /* first three bytes should match, a jmp short should be in there */ if (memcmp(boot, bootSect, 3)) return 0; if (boot[1] == 0xeb) { offset = boot[2] + 2; } else if (boot[1] == 0xe8 || boot[1] == 0xe9) { offset = (boot[3] << 8) + boot[2] + 2; } else if (boot[0] == 0xeb) { offset = boot[1] + 2; } else if (boot[0] == 0xe8 || boot[0] == 0xe9) { offset = (boot[2] << 8) + boot[1] + 2; } else { return 0; } if (memcmp(boot + offset, bootSect + offset, CODE_SEG_SIZE)) return 0; return 2; } int checkLiloOnRaid(char * mdDev, const unsigned char * boot) { int fd; char buf[65536]; char * end; char * chptr; char * chptr2; int rc; /* it's on raid; we need to parse /proc/mdstat and check all of the *raw* devices listed in there */ if (!strncmp(mdDev, "/dev/", 5)) mdDev += 5; if ((fd = open("/proc/mdstat", O_RDONLY)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: failed to open /proc/mdstat: %s\n"), strerror(errno)); return 2; } rc = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1); if (rc < 0 || rc == (sizeof(buf) - 1)) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: failed to read /proc/mdstat: %s\n"), strerror(errno)); close(fd); return 2; } close(fd); buf[rc] = '\0'; chptr = buf; while (*chptr) { end = strchr(chptr, '\n'); if (!end) break; *end = '\0'; if (!strncmp(chptr, mdDev, strlen(mdDev)) && chptr[strlen(mdDev)] == ' ') { /* found the device */ while (*chptr && *chptr != ':') chptr++; chptr++; while (*chptr && isspace(*chptr)) chptr++; /* skip the "active" bit */ while (*chptr && !isspace(*chptr)) chptr++; while (*chptr && isspace(*chptr)) chptr++; /* skip the raid level */ while (*chptr && !isspace(*chptr)) chptr++; while (*chptr && isspace(*chptr)) chptr++; /* everything else is partition stuff */ while (*chptr) { chptr2 = chptr; while (*chptr2 && *chptr2 != '[') chptr2++; if (!*chptr2) break; /* yank off the numbers at the end */ chptr2--; while (isdigit(*chptr2) && chptr2 > chptr) chptr2--; chptr2++; *chptr2 = '\0'; /* Better, now we need the /dev/ back. We're done with * everything before this point, so we can just put * the /dev/ part there. There will always be room. */ memcpy(chptr - 5, "/dev/", 5); rc = checkDeviceBootloader(chptr - 5, boot); if (rc != 2) { return rc; } chptr = chptr2 + 1; /* skip the [11] bit */ while (*chptr && !isspace(*chptr)) chptr++; /* and move to the next one */ while (*chptr && isspace(*chptr)) chptr++; } /* we're good to go */ return 2; } chptr = end + 1; } fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: raid device /dev/%s not found in /proc/mdstat\n"), mdDev); return 0; } int checkForLilo(struct grubConfig * config) { int fd; unsigned char boot[512]; struct singleLine * line; for (line = config->theLines; line; line = line->next) if (line->type == LT_BOOT) break; if (!line) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: no boot line found in lilo configuration\n")); return 1; } if (line->numElements != 2) return 1; fd = open("/boot/boot.b", O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: unable to open %s: %s\n"), "/boot/boot.b", strerror(errno)); return 1; } if (read(fd, boot, 512) != 512) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: unable to read %s: %s\n"), "/boot/boot.b", strerror(errno)); return 1; } close(fd); if (!strncmp("/dev/md", line->elements[1].item, 7)) return checkLiloOnRaid(line->elements[1].item, boot); return checkDeviceBootloader(line->elements[1].item, boot); } int checkForGrub(struct grubConfig * config) { int fd; unsigned char bootSect[512]; char * boot; if (parseSysconfigGrub(NULL, &boot)) return 0; /* assume grub is not installed -- not an error condition */ if (!boot) return 0; fd = open("/boot/grub/stage1", O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) /* this doesn't exist if grub hasn't been installed */ return 0; if (read(fd, bootSect, 512) != 512) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: unable to read %s: %s\n"), "/boot/grub/stage1", strerror(errno)); return 1; } close(fd); return checkDeviceBootloader(boot, bootSect); } static char * getRootSpecifier(char * str) { char * idx, * rootspec = NULL; if (*str == '(') { idx = rootspec = strdup(str); while(*idx && (*idx != ')') && (!isspace(*idx))) idx++; *(++idx) = '\0'; } return rootspec; } int addNewKernel(struct grubConfig * config, struct singleEntry * template, const char * prefix, char * newKernelPath, char * newKernelTitle, char * newKernelArgs, char * newKernelInitrd, char * newMBKernel, char * newMBKernelArgs) { struct singleEntry * new; struct singleLine * newLine = NULL, * tmplLine = NULL, * lastLine = NULL; int needs; char * indent = NULL; char * rootspec = NULL; char * chptr; int i; enum lineType_e type; if (!newKernelPath) return 0; /* if the newKernelTitle is too long silently munge it into something * we can live with. truncating is first check, then we'll just mess with * it until it looks better */ if (config->cfi->maxTitleLength && (strlen(newKernelTitle) > config->cfi->maxTitleLength)) { char * buf = alloca(config->cfi->maxTitleLength + 7); char * numBuf = alloca(config->cfi->maxTitleLength + 1); int i = 1; sprintf(buf, "TITLE=%.*s", config->cfi->maxTitleLength, newKernelTitle); while (findEntryByPath(config, buf, NULL, NULL)) { sprintf(numBuf, "%d", i++); strcpy(buf + strlen(buf) - strlen(numBuf), numBuf); } newKernelTitle = buf + 6; } new = malloc(sizeof(*new)); new->skip = 0; new->multiboot = 0; new->next = config->entries; new->lines = NULL; config->entries = new; /* copy/update from the template */ needs = KERNEL_KERNEL | KERNEL_INITRD | KERNEL_TITLE; if (newMBKernel) { needs |= KERNEL_MB; new->multiboot = 1; } if (template) { for (tmplLine = template->lines; tmplLine; tmplLine = tmplLine->next) { /* remember the indention level; we may need it for new lines */ if (tmplLine->numElements) indent = tmplLine->indent; /* skip comments */ chptr = tmplLine->indent; while (*chptr && isspace(*chptr)) chptr++; if (*chptr == '#') continue; /* we don't need an initrd here */ if (tmplLine->type == LT_INITRD && !newKernelInitrd) continue; if (tmplLine->type == LT_KERNEL && !template->multiboot && (needs & KERNEL_MB)) { struct singleLine *l; needs &= ~ KERNEL_MB; l = addLine(new, config->cfi, LT_KERNEL, config->secondaryIndent, newMBKernel + strlen(prefix)); tmplLine = lastLine; if (!new->lines) { new->lines = l; } else { newLine->next = l; newLine = l; } continue; } else if (tmplLine->type == LT_KERNEL && template->multiboot && !new->multiboot) { continue; /* don't need multiboot kernel here */ } if (!new->lines) { newLine = malloc(sizeof(*newLine)); new->lines = newLine; } else { newLine->next = malloc(sizeof(*newLine)); newLine = newLine->next; } newLine->indent = strdup(tmplLine->indent); newLine->next = NULL; newLine->type = tmplLine->type; newLine->numElements = tmplLine->numElements; newLine->elements = malloc(sizeof(*newLine->elements) * newLine->numElements); for (i = 0; i < newLine->numElements; i++) { newLine->elements[i].item = strdup(tmplLine->elements[i].item); newLine->elements[i].indent = strdup(tmplLine->elements[i].indent); } lastLine = tmplLine; if (tmplLine->type == LT_KERNEL && tmplLine->numElements >= 2) { char * repl; if (!template->multiboot) { needs &= ~KERNEL_KERNEL; repl = newKernelPath; } else { needs &= ~KERNEL_MB; repl = newMBKernel; } if (new->multiboot && !template->multiboot) { free(newLine->elements[0].item); newLine->elements[0].item = strdup("module"); newLine->type = LT_MBMODULE; } free(newLine->elements[1].item); rootspec = getRootSpecifier(tmplLine->elements[1].item); if (rootspec != NULL) { newLine->elements[1].item = sdupprintf("%s%s", rootspec, repl + strlen(prefix)); } else { newLine->elements[1].item = strdup(repl + strlen(prefix)); } } else if (tmplLine->type == LT_MBMODULE && tmplLine->numElements >= 2 && (needs & KERNEL_KERNEL)) { needs &= ~KERNEL_KERNEL; if (!new->multiboot && template->multiboot) { free(newLine->elements[0].item); newLine->elements[0].item = strdup("kernel"); newLine->type = LT_KERNEL; } free(newLine->elements[1].item); rootspec = getRootSpecifier(tmplLine->elements[1].item); if (rootspec != NULL) { newLine->elements[1].item = sdupprintf("%s%s", rootspec, newKernelPath + strlen(prefix)); } else { newLine->elements[1].item = strdup(newKernelPath + strlen(prefix)); } } else if (tmplLine->type == LT_INITRD && tmplLine->numElements >= 2) { needs &= ~KERNEL_INITRD; free(newLine->elements[1].item); if (new->multiboot && !template->multiboot) { free(newLine->elements[0].item); newLine->elements[0].item = strdup("module"); newLine->type = LT_MBMODULE; } rootspec = getRootSpecifier(tmplLine->elements[1].item); if (rootspec != NULL) { newLine->elements[1].item = sdupprintf("%s%s", rootspec, newKernelInitrd + strlen(prefix)); } else { newLine->elements[1].item = strdup(newKernelInitrd + strlen(prefix)); } } else if (tmplLine->type == LT_MBMODULE && tmplLine->numElements >= 2 && (needs & KERNEL_INITRD)) { needs &= ~KERNEL_INITRD; if (!new->multiboot && template->multiboot) { free(newLine->elements[0].item); newLine->elements[0].item = strdup("initrd"); newLine->type = LT_INITRD; } free(newLine->elements[1].item); rootspec = getRootSpecifier(tmplLine->elements[1].item); if (rootspec != NULL) { newLine->elements[1].item = sdupprintf("%s%s", rootspec, newKernelInitrd + strlen(prefix)); } else { newLine->elements[1].item = strdup(newKernelInitrd + strlen(prefix)); } } else if (tmplLine->type == LT_TITLE && tmplLine->numElements >= 2) { needs &= ~KERNEL_TITLE; for (i = 1; i < newLine->numElements; i++) { free(newLine->elements[i].item); free(newLine->elements[i].indent); } newLine->elements[1].item = strdup(newKernelTitle); newLine->elements[1].indent = strdup(""); newLine->numElements = 2; } else if (tmplLine->type == LT_TITLE && config->cfi->titleBracketed && tmplLine->numElements == 1) { needs &= ~KERNEL_TITLE; free(newLine->elements[0].item); free(newLine->elements[0].indent); newLine->elements = malloc(sizeof(*newLine->elements) * newLine->numElements); newLine->elements[0].item = malloc(strlen(newKernelTitle) + 3); sprintf(newLine->elements[0].item, "[%s]", newKernelTitle); newLine->elements[0].indent = strdup(""); newLine->numElements = 1; } } } else { for (i = 0; config->cfi->keywords[i].key; i++) { if ((config->cfi->keywords[i].type == config->cfi->entrySeparator) || (config->cfi->keywords[i].type == LT_OTHER)) break; } switch (config->cfi->keywords[i].type) { case LT_KERNEL: needs &= ~KERNEL_KERNEL, chptr = newKernelPath + strlen(prefix); type = LT_KERNEL; break; case LT_TITLE: needs &= ~KERNEL_TITLE, chptr = newKernelTitle; type = LT_TITLE; break; default: /* zipl strikes again */ if (config->cfi->titleBracketed) { needs &= ~KERNEL_TITLE; chptr = newKernelTitle; type = LT_TITLE; break; } else { abort(); } } newLine = addLine(new, config->cfi, type, config->primaryIndent, chptr); new->lines = newLine; } if (new->multiboot) { if (needs & KERNEL_MB) newLine = addLine(new, config->cfi, LT_KERNEL, config->secondaryIndent, newMBKernel + strlen(prefix)); if (needs & KERNEL_KERNEL) newLine = addLine(new, config->cfi, LT_MBMODULE, config->secondaryIndent, newKernelPath + strlen(prefix)); /* don't need to check for title as it's guaranteed to have been * done as we only do multiboot with grub which uses title as * a separator */ if (needs & KERNEL_INITRD && newKernelInitrd) newLine = addLine(new, config->cfi, LT_MBMODULE, config->secondaryIndent, newKernelInitrd + strlen(prefix)); } else { if (needs & KERNEL_KERNEL) newLine = addLine(new, config->cfi, LT_KERNEL, config->secondaryIndent, newKernelPath + strlen(prefix)); if (needs & KERNEL_TITLE) newLine = addLine(new, config->cfi, LT_TITLE, config->secondaryIndent, newKernelTitle); if (needs & KERNEL_INITRD && newKernelInitrd) newLine = addLine(new, config->cfi, LT_INITRD, config->secondaryIndent, newKernelInitrd + strlen(prefix)); } if (updateImage(config, "0", prefix, newKernelArgs, NULL, newMBKernelArgs, NULL)) return 1; return 0; } int main(int argc, const char ** argv) { poptContext optCon; char * grubConfig = NULL; char * outputFile = NULL; int arg = 0; int flags = 0; int badImageOkay = 0; int configureLilo = 0, configureELilo = 0, configureGrub = 0; int configureYaboot = 0, configureSilo = 0, configureZipl = 0; int bootloaderProbe = 0; char * updateKernelPath = NULL; char * newKernelPath = NULL; char * removeKernelPath = NULL; char * newKernelArgs = NULL; char * newKernelInitrd = NULL; char * newKernelTitle = NULL; char * newKernelVersion = NULL; char * newMBKernel = NULL; char * newMBKernelArgs = NULL; char * removeMBKernelArgs = NULL; char * removeMBKernel = NULL; char * bootPrefix = NULL; char * defaultKernel = NULL; char * removeArgs = NULL; char * kernelInfo = NULL; const char * chptr = NULL; struct configFileInfo * cfi = NULL; struct grubConfig * config; struct singleEntry * template = NULL; int copyDefault = 0, makeDefault = 0; int displayDefault = 0; struct poptOption options[] = { { "add-kernel", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &newKernelPath, 0, _("add an entry for the specified kernel"), _("kernel-path") }, { "add-multiboot", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &newMBKernel, 0, _("add an entry for the specified multiboot kernel"), NULL }, { "args", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &newKernelArgs, 0, _("default arguments for the new kernel or new arguments for " "kernel being updated"), _("args") }, { "mbargs", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &newMBKernelArgs, 0, _("default arguments for the new multiboot kernel or " "new arguments for multiboot kernel being updated"), NULL }, { "bad-image-okay", 0, 0, &badImageOkay, 0, _("don't sanity check images in boot entries (for testing only)"), NULL }, { "boot-filesystem", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &bootPrefix, 0, _("filestystem which contains /boot directory (for testing only)"), _("bootfs") }, #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) { "bootloader-probe", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &bootloaderProbe, 0, _("check if lilo is installed on lilo.conf boot sector") }, #endif { "config-file", 'c', POPT_ARG_STRING, &grubConfig, 0, _("path to grub config file to update (\"-\" for stdin)"), _("path") }, { "copy-default", 0, 0, ©Default, 0, _("use the default boot entry as a template for the new entry " "being added; if the default is not a linux image, or if " "the kernel referenced by the default image does not exist, " "the first linux entry whose kernel does exist is used as the " "template"), NULL }, { "default-kernel", 0, 0, &displayDefault, 0, _("display the path of the default kernel") }, { "elilo", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &configureELilo, 0, _("configure elilo bootloader") }, { "grub", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &configureGrub, 0, _("configure grub bootloader") }, { "info", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &kernelInfo, 0, _("display boot information for specified kernel"), _("kernel-path") }, { "initrd", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &newKernelInitrd, 0, _("initrd image for the new kernel"), _("initrd-path") }, { "lilo", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &configureLilo, 0, _("configure lilo bootloader") }, { "make-default", 0, 0, &makeDefault, 0, _("make the newly added entry the default boot entry"), NULL }, { "output-file", 'o', POPT_ARG_STRING, &outputFile, 0, _("path to output updated config file (\"-\" for stdout)"), _("path") }, { "remove-args", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &removeArgs, 0, _("remove kernel arguments"), NULL }, { "remove-mbargs", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &removeMBKernelArgs, 0, _("remove multiboot kernel arguments"), NULL }, { "remove-kernel", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &removeKernelPath, 0, _("remove all entries for the specified kernel"), _("kernel-path") }, { "remove-multiboot", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &removeMBKernel, 0, _("remove all entries for the specified multiboot kernel"), NULL }, { "set-default", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &defaultKernel, 0, _("make the first entry referencing the specified kernel " "the default"), _("kernel-path") }, { "silo", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &configureSilo, 0, _("configure silo bootloader") }, { "title", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &newKernelTitle, 0, _("title to use for the new kernel entry"), _("entry-title") }, { "update-kernel", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &updateKernelPath, 0, _("updated information for the specified kernel"), _("kernel-path") }, { "version", 'v', 0, NULL, 'v', _("print the version of this program and exit"), NULL }, { "yaboot", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &configureYaboot, 0, _("configure yaboot bootloader") }, { "zipl", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &configureZipl, 0, _("configure zipl bootloader") }, POPT_AUTOHELP { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; optCon = poptGetContext("grubby", argc, argv, options, 0); poptReadDefaultConfig(optCon, 1); while ((arg = poptGetNextOpt(optCon)) >= 0) { switch (arg) { case 'v': printf("grubby version %s\n", VERSION); exit(0); break; } } if (arg < -1) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: bad argument %s: %s\n"), poptBadOption(optCon, POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS), poptStrerror(arg)); return 1; } if ((chptr = poptGetArg(optCon))) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: unexpected argument %s\n"), chptr); return 1; } if ((configureLilo + configureGrub + configureELilo + configureYaboot + configureSilo + configureZipl) > 1) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: cannot specify multiple bootloaders\n")); return 1; } else if (bootloaderProbe && grubConfig) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: cannot specify config file with --bootloader-probe\n")); return 1; } else if (configureLilo) { cfi = &liloConfigType; } else if (configureGrub) { cfi = &grubConfigType; } else if (configureELilo) { cfi = &eliloConfigType; } else if (configureYaboot) { cfi = &yabootConfigType; } else if (configureSilo) { cfi = &siloConfigType; } else if (configureZipl) { cfi = &ziplConfigType; } if (!cfi) { #ifdef __ia64__ cfi = &eliloConfigType; #elif __powerpc__ cfi = &yabootConfigType; #elif __sparc__ cfi = &siloConfigType; #elif __s390__ cfi = &ziplConfigType; #elif __s390x__ cfi = &ziplConfigtype; #else cfi = &grubConfigType; #endif } if (!grubConfig) grubConfig = cfi->defaultConfig; if (bootloaderProbe && (displayDefault || kernelInfo || newKernelVersion || newKernelPath || removeKernelPath || makeDefault || defaultKernel)) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: --bootloader-probe may not be used with " "specified option")); return 1; } if ((displayDefault || kernelInfo) && (newKernelVersion || newKernelPath || removeKernelPath)) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: --default-kernel and --info may not " "be used when adding or removing kernels\n")); return 1; } if (newKernelPath && !newKernelTitle) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: kernel title must be specified\n")); return 1; } else if (!newKernelPath && (newKernelTitle || newKernelInitrd || newKernelInitrd || copyDefault || makeDefault)) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: kernel path expected\n")); return 1; } if (newKernelPath && updateKernelPath) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: --add-kernel and --update-kernel may" "not be used together")); return 1; } if (makeDefault && defaultKernel) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: --make-default and --default-kernel " "may not be used together\n")); return 1; } else if (defaultKernel && removeKernelPath && !strcmp(defaultKernel, removeKernelPath)) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: cannot make removed kernel the default\n")); return 1; } else if (defaultKernel && newKernelPath && !strcmp(defaultKernel, newKernelPath)) { makeDefault = 1; defaultKernel = NULL; } if (!strcmp(grubConfig, "-") && !outputFile) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: output file must be specified if stdin " "is used\n")); return 1; } if (!removeKernelPath && !newKernelPath && !displayDefault && !defaultKernel && !kernelInfo && !bootloaderProbe && !updateKernelPath && !removeMBKernel) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: no action specified\n")); return 1; } flags |= badImageOkay ? GRUBBY_BADIMAGE_OKAY : 0; if (cfi->needsBootPrefix) { if (!bootPrefix) { bootPrefix = findBootPrefix(); if (!bootPrefix) return 1; } else { /* this shouldn't end with a / */ if (bootPrefix[strlen(bootPrefix) - 1] == '/') bootPrefix[strlen(bootPrefix) - 1] = '\0'; } } else { bootPrefix = ""; } if (bootloaderProbe) { int lrc = 0, grc = 0; struct grubConfig * lconfig, * gconfig; if (!access(grubConfigType.defaultConfig, F_OK)) { gconfig = readConfig(grubConfigType.defaultConfig, &grubConfigType); if (!gconfig) grc = 1; else grc = checkForGrub(gconfig); } if (!access(liloConfigType.defaultConfig, F_OK)) { lconfig = readConfig(liloConfigType.defaultConfig, &liloConfigType); if (!lconfig) lrc = 1; else lrc = checkForLilo(lconfig); } if (lrc == 1 || grc == 1) return 1; if (lrc == 2) printf("lilo\n"); if (grc == 2) printf("grub\n"); return 0; } config = readConfig(grubConfig, cfi); if (!config) return 1; if (displayDefault) { struct singleLine * line; struct singleEntry * entry; char * rootspec; if (config->defaultImage == -1) return 0; entry = findEntryByIndex(config, config->defaultImage); if (!entry) return 0; if (!suitableImage(entry, bootPrefix, 0, flags)) return 0; line = entry->lines; while (line && line->type != LT_KERNEL) line = line->next; if (!line) return 0; rootspec = getRootSpecifier(line->elements[1].item); printf("%s%s\n", bootPrefix, line->elements[1].item + ((rootspec != NULL) ? strlen(rootspec) : 0)); return 0; } else if (kernelInfo) return displayInfo(config, kernelInfo, bootPrefix); if (copyDefault) { template = findTemplate(config, bootPrefix, NULL, 0, flags); if (!template) return 1; } markRemovedImage(config, removeKernelPath, bootPrefix); markRemovedImage(config, removeMBKernel, bootPrefix); setDefaultImage(config, newKernelPath != NULL, defaultKernel, makeDefault, bootPrefix, flags); setFallbackImage(config, newKernelPath != NULL); if (updateImage(config, updateKernelPath, bootPrefix, newKernelArgs, removeArgs, newMBKernelArgs, removeMBKernelArgs)) return 1; if (addNewKernel(config, template, bootPrefix, newKernelPath, newKernelTitle, newKernelArgs, newKernelInitrd, newMBKernel, newMBKernelArgs)) return 1; if (numEntries(config) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("grubby: doing this would leave no kernel entries. " "Not writing out new config.\n")); return 1; } if (!outputFile) outputFile = grubConfig; return writeConfig(config, outputFile, bootPrefix); }