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Annotation of /tags/mkinitrd-6_1_10/isolinux/

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Revision 922 - (hide annotations) (download)
Wed Oct 28 09:51:31 2009 UTC (14 years, 11 months ago) by niro
File size: 6582 byte(s)
tagged 'mkinitrd-6_1_10'
1 niro 532 ;; $Id:,v 1.1 2007-09-01 22:44:04 niro Exp $
2     ;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
3     ;;
4     ;; Copyright 1994-2002 H. Peter Anvin - All Rights Reserved
5     ;;
6     ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7     ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8     ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330,
9     ;; Boston MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or
10     ;; (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference.
11     ;;
12     ;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
14     ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15     ; VGA splash screen code
16     ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
18     ;
19     ; vgadisplayfile:
20     ; Display a graphical splash screen.
21     ;
22     ; Input:
23     ;
24     ; SI = cluster/socket pointer
25     ;
26     section .text
28     vgadisplayfile:
29     mov [VGACluster],si
30     push es
32     ; This is a cheap and easy way to make sure the screen is
33     ; cleared in case we were in graphics mode already
34     call vgaclearmode
35     call vgasetmode
36     jnz .error_nz
38     .graphalready:
39     mov ax,xfer_buf_seg ; Use as temporary storage
40     mov es,ax
41     mov fs,ax
43     call vgagetchunk ; Get the first chunk
45     ; The header WILL be in the first chunk.
46     cmp dword [es:xbs_vgabuf],0x1413f33d ; Magic number
47     .error_nz: jne .error
48     mov ax,[es:xbs_vgabuf+4]
49     mov [GraphXSize],ax
51     mov dx,xbs_vgabuf+8 ; Color map offset
52     mov ax,1012h ; Set RGB registers
53     xor bx,bx ; First register number
54     mov cx,16 ; 16 registers
55     int 10h
57     .movecursor:
58     mov ax,[es:xbs_vgabuf+6] ; Number of pixel rows
59     mov dx,[VGAFontSize]
60     add ax,dx
61     dec ax
62     div dl
63     xor dx,dx ; Set column to 0
64     cmp al,[VidRows]
65     jb .rowsok
66     mov al,[VidRows]
67     dec al
68     .rowsok:
69     mov dh,al
70     mov ah,2
71     xor bx,bx
72     int 10h ; Set cursor below image
74     mov cx,[es:xbs_vgabuf+6] ; Number of graphics rows
76     mov si,xbs_vgabuf+8+3*16 ; Beginning of pixel data
77     mov word [VGAPos],0
79     .drawpixelrow:
80     push cx
81     mov cx,[GraphXSize]
82     mov di,xbs_vgatmpbuf ; Row buffer
83     call rledecode ; Decode one row
84     push si
85     mov si,xbs_vgatmpbuf
86     mov di,si
87     add di,[GraphXSize]
88     mov cx,640/4
89     xor eax,eax
90     rep stosd ; Clear rest of row
91     mov di,0A000h ; VGA segment
92     mov es,di
93     mov di,[VGAPos]
94     mov bp,640
95     call packedpixel2vga
96     add word [VGAPos],byte 80 ; Advance to next pixel row
97     push fs
98     pop es
99     pop si
100     pop cx
101     loop .drawpixelrow
103     .error:
104     pop es
105     ret
107     ;
108     ; rledecode:
109     ; Decode a pixel row in RLE16 format.
110     ;
111     ; FS:SI -> input
112     ; CX -> pixel count
113     ; ES:DI -> output (packed pixel)
114     ;
115     rledecode:
116     shl esi,1 ; Nybble pointer
117     xor dl,dl ; Last pixel
118     .loop:
119     call .getnybble
120     cmp al,dl
121     je .run ; Start of run sequence
122     stosb
123     mov dl,al
124     dec cx
125     jnz .loop
126     .done:
127     shr esi,1
128     adc si,byte 0
129     ret
130     .run:
131     xor bx,bx
132     call .getnybble
133     and al,al
134     jz .longrun
135     mov bl,al
136     .dorun:
137     push cx
138     mov cx,bx
139     mov al,dl
140     rep stosb
141     pop cx
142     sub cx,bx
143     ja .loop
144     jmp short .done
145     .longrun:
146     call .getnybble
147     mov ah,al
148     call .getnybble
149     shl al,4
150     or al,ah
151     mov bl,al
152     add bx,16
153     jmp short .dorun
154     .getnybble:
155     shr esi,1
156     fs lodsb
157     jc .high
158     dec si
159     and al,0Fh
160     stc
161     rcl esi,1
162     ret
163     .high:
164     shr al,4
165     cmp si,xbs_vgabuf+trackbufsize ; Chunk overrun
166     jb .nonewchunk
167     call vgagetchunk
168     mov si,xbs_vgabuf ; Start at beginning of buffer
169     .nonewchunk:
170     shl esi,1
171     ret
173     ;
174     ; vgagetchunk:
175     ; Get a new trackbufsize chunk of VGA image data
176     ;
177     ; On input, ES is assumed to point to the buffer segment.
178     ;
179     vgagetchunk:
180     pushad
181     mov si,[VGACluster]
182     and si,si
183     jz .eof ; EOF overrun, not much to do...
185     mov cx,[BufSafe] ; One trackbuf worth of data
186     mov bx,xbs_vgabuf
187     call getfssec
189     jnc .noteof
190     xor si,si
191     .noteof: mov [VGACluster],si
193     .eof: popad
194     ret
196     ;
197     ; packedpixel2vga:
198     ; Convert packed-pixel to VGA bitplanes
199     ;
200     ; FS:SI -> packed pixel string
201     ; BP -> pixel count (multiple of 8)
202     ; ES:DI -> output
203     ;
204     packedpixel2vga:
205     mov dx,3C4h ; VGA Sequencer Register select port
206     mov al,2 ; Sequencer mask
207     out dx,al ; Select the sequencer mask
208     inc dx ; VGA Sequencer Register data port
209     mov al,1
210     mov bl,al
211     .planeloop:
212     pusha
213     out dx,al
214     .loop1:
215     mov cx,8
216     .loop2:
217     xchg cx,bx
218     fs lodsb
219     shr al,cl
220     rcl ch,1 ; VGA is bigendian. Sigh.
221     xchg cx,bx
222     loop .loop2
223     mov al,bh
224     stosb
225     sub bp,byte 8
226     ja .loop1
227     popa
228     inc bl
229     shl al,1
230     cmp bl,4
231     jbe .planeloop
232     ret
234     ;
235     ; vgasetmode:
236     ; Enable VGA graphics, if possible; return ZF=1 on success
237     ; DS must be set to the base segment; ES is set to DS.
238     ;
239     vgasetmode:
240     push ds
241     pop es
242     mov ax,1A00h ; Get video card and monitor
243     xor bx,bx
244     int 10h
245     sub bl, 7 ; BL=07h and BL=08h OK
246     cmp bl, 1
247     ja .error ; ZF=0
248     ; mov bx,TextColorReg
249     ; mov dx,1009h ; Read color registers
250     ; int 10h
251     mov ax,0012h ; Set mode = 640x480 VGA 16 colors
252     int 10h
253     mov dx,linear_color
254     mov ax,1002h ; Write color registers
255     int 10h
256     mov [UsingVGA], byte 1
258     call use_font ; Set graphics font/data
259     mov byte [ScrollAttribute], 00h
261     xor ax,ax ; Set ZF
262     .error:
263     ret
265     ;
266     ; vgaclearmode:
267     ; Disable VGA graphics. It is not safe to assume any value
268     ; for DS or ES.
269     ;
270     vgaclearmode:
271     push ds
272     push es
273     pushad
274     mov ax,cs
275     mov ds,ax
276     mov es,ax
277     cmp [UsingVGA], byte 1
278     jne .done
279     mov ax,0003h ; Return to normal video mode
280     int 10h
281     ; mov dx,TextColorReg ; Restore color registers
282     ; mov ax,1002h
283     ; int 10h
284     mov [UsingVGA], byte 0
286     call use_font ; Restore text font/data
287     mov byte [ScrollAttribute], 07h
288     .done:
289     popad
290     pop es
291     pop ds
292     ret
294     ;
295     ; vgashowcursor/vgahidecursor:
296     ; If VGA graphics is enabled, draw a cursor/clear a cursor
297     ;
298     vgashowcursor:
299     pushad
300     mov al,'_'
301     jmp short vgacursorcommon
302     vgahidecursor:
303     pushad
304     mov al,' '
305     vgacursorcommon:
306     cmp [UsingVGA], byte 1
307     jne .done
308     mov ah,09h
309     mov bx,0007h
310     mov cx,1
311     int 10h
312     .done:
313     popad
314     ret
317     section .data
318     ; Map colors to consecutive DAC registers
319     linear_color db 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 0
320     UsingVGA db 0
322     section .latebss
323     alignb 2
324     GraphXSize resw 1 ; Width of splash screen file
325     VGAPos resw 1 ; Pointer into VGA memory
326     VGACluster resw 1 ; Cluster pointer for VGA image file
327     VGAFilePtr resw 1 ; Pointer into VGAFileBuf
328     TextColorReg resb 17 ; VGA color registers for text mode
329     %if IS_SYSLINUX
330     VGAFileBuf resb FILENAME_MAX+2 ; Unmangled VGA image name
331     %else
332     VGAFileBuf resb FILENAME_MAX ; Unmangled VGA image name
333     %endif
334     VGAFileBufEnd equ $
335     VGAFileMBuf resb FILENAME_MAX ; Mangled VGA image name