welcome() { messagebox -y 10 -x 70 -h $"Welcome" $"Welcome to the ${DEFAULT_TITLE}.\n\n\nPress [Enter] to continue." } finish() { OK_LABEL=$"Exit" messagebox -y 10 -x 70 -h $"Finish" $"Installation was successfully finished." } dialog_setup_hdd_create_partitions() { infobox $"Creating partitions ..." } dialog_setup_hdd_format() { infobox $"Creating filesystems ..." } dialog_install_settings() { infobox $"Saving system settings ..." } dialog_install_system_image() { gaugebox $"Copying system image ..." } dialog_install_bootsector() { infobox $"Writing bootsector ..." } dialog_install_successful() { messagebox $"The installation was \Z2successful\Zn." } dialog_install_failure() { messagebox $"The installation \Z1failed\Zn.\n\nError at ${ERROR}, RetVal: ${RETVAL}" } dialog_no_harddrive_found() { OK_LABEL=$"abort" messagebox $"No appropriate harddrive found.\nInstallation failed." } dialog_select_target_harddrive() { menubox $"Select installation target drive:" $(for i in ${ALL_DISKS}; do echo "${i}:";done) }