# $Id: kernel26-mcore-2.6.33-r2.smage2 379 2010-05-04 22:44:05Z niro $ # based on the standard magellan kernel (2.6.33-magellan-r1): # using linux-2.6.37 # using fbcondecor-0.9.6 (http://dev.gentoo.org/~spock/projects/fbcondecor/) # using unionfs-2.5.7 (http://www.filesystems.org/project-unionfs.html) # what type are we building (sources or image) ? KERNEL_TYPE="image" # which branch we're using BRANCH="mcore" PNAME="kernel26-${BRANCH}" # 2.6.x.x subver style PSUBVER="" PVER="2.6.37${PSUBVER}" PBUILD="r1" PCATEGORIE="sys-kernel" STATE="unstable" DESCRIPTION="DEV Kernel ${PVER}-${BRANCH}-${PBUILD} kernel image with udev, fbsplash, vesa-tng, reiser4 support." HOMEPAGE="http://magellan-linux.net" DEPEND=">= sys-apps/module-init-tools-3.12 >= sys-fs/udev-165 >= sys-apps/mkinitrd-6.3 >= virtual/initscripts" PROVIDE="virtual/kernel virtual/alsa-drivers" SRCFILE="linux-${PVER/${PSUBVER}/}.tar.bz2" SRCDIR="${BUILDDIR}/linux-${PVER}-${BRANCH}-${PBUILD}" # include global kernel26 functions sminclude kernel26 mtools # --- extra drivers included in this kernel: --- # we do not bundle ati-drivers and nvidia-glx drivers anymore # use our new module builders! # --- eot extra drivers --- SRC_URI=( http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v${PVER:0:3}/${SRCFILE} mirror://kernel26-${BRANCH}/${SRCFILE} mirror://kernel26-${BRANCH}/config-${PVER}-${BRANCH}-${PBUILD}-i486 "mirror://kernel26-${BRANCH}/patches-${PVER}-${PBUILD}/0150-2.6.37-fbcondecor-0.9.6.patch patches-${PVER}-${PBUILD}" "mirror://kernel26-${BRANCH}/patches-${PVER}-${PBUILD}/0153-2.6.37-unionfs-2.5.7.patch patches-${PVER}-${PBUILD}" ) UP2PVER="${PVER}" UP2DATE="updatecmd http://www.kernel.org/ | grep -A3 -i 'latest stable' | sed -n 's/.*\([0-9].[0-9].[0-9].*\).*/\1/;$ p'" src_prepare() { kernel26_src_prepare || die # 001-100 - ck patches (deprecated atm) # 100-150 - official updates # 150-300 - magellan patches, driver updates etc mpatch patches-${PVER}-${PBUILD}/0150-2.6.37-fbcondecor-0.9.6.patch || die mpatch patches-${PVER}-${PBUILD}/0153-2.6.37-unionfs-2.5.7.patch || die # 300-400 - compilations fixes and other } src_install() { kernel26_src_prepare || die # compress all kernel modules find ${BINDIR} -name \*.ko | xargs gzip -9 || die }