# $Id$ PNAME="gzip" PVER="1.6" PBUILD="r2" PCAT="app-arch" DESCRIPTION="Standard GNU compressor." HOMEPAGE="http://www.gnu.org/software/gzip/gzip.html" DEPEND=">= virtual/glibc" PROVIDE="virtual/gzip" SRCFILE="${PNAME}-${PVER}.tar.gz" SRCDIR="${BUILDDIR}/${PNAME}-${PVER}" sminclude mbuild mtools msetfeature "!check" SRC_URI=( gnu://${PNAME}/${SRCFILE} mirror://${PNAME}/${SRCFILE} mirror://${PNAME}/${PNAME}-1.3.13-rsync.patch mirror://${PNAME}/${PNAME}-1.5-man-rsyncable.patch ) UP2DATE="updatecmd_gnu ${PNAME} gz" src_prepare() { munpack ${SRCFILE} || die cd ${SRCDIR} # adds rsyncable switch, required by >=dracut-040 mpatch ${PNAME}-1.3.13-rsync.patch || die mpatch ${PNAME}-1.5-man-rsyncable.patch || die # fix compilation with newer glibc (>=2.6.1) sed -i "s/futimens/gl_&/" $(grep -lr futimens *) || die # force reconf # aclocal.m4 was created with an unreleased automake (1.99a) WANT_AUTOMAKE=1.13 mautoreconf || die } src_install() { cd ${SRCDIR} make DESTDIR=${BINDIR} install || die # missing: gzcat mlink zcat /usr/bin/gzcat || die # and the docs too minstalldocs \ AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL NEWS README \ README-alpha THANKS TODO algorithm.doc gzip.doc || die }