# $Id$ PNAME="bcache-tools" PVER="1.0.8" PBUILD="r1" PCAT="sys-fs" DESCRIPTION="Userspace tools Linux kernel block layer cache." HOMEPAGE="http://bcache.evilpiepirate.org/" DEPEND=">= sys-apps/util-linux-2" SDEPEND=">= dev-util/pkgconfig-0.25" SRCFILE="v${PVER}.tar.gz" SRCDIR="${BUILDDIR}/${PNAME}-${PVER}" msetfeature "!check" # no check target in makefile sminclude mtools udev dracut SRC_URI=( https://github.com/g2p/${PNAME}/archive/${SRCFILE} mirror://${PNAME}/${SRCFILE} ) UP2SEPERATOR="v" UP2DATE="updatecmd https://github.com/g2p/bcache-tools/releases | highesttarball gz" src_prepare() { munpack ${SRCFILE} || die cd ${SRCDIR} # fix CFLAGS and fixed compile issues sed -i -e '/^CFLAGS/s:-O2::' -e '/^CFLAGS/s:-g:-std=gnu89:' Makefile || die # fix udev and dracut dir sed -i -e "s:^\(UDEVLIBDIR=\).*:\1$(mget-udev-dir):" \ -e "s:^\(DRACUTLIBDIR=\).*:\1$(mget-dracut-dir):" \ Makefile || die } src_compile() { cd ${SRCDIR} mmake || die } src_install() { cd ${SRCDIR} # Makefile does not create these minstalldir /usr/sbin || die minstalldir /usr/share/man/man8/ || die minstalldir $(mget-udev-dir)/rules.d || die mmake DESTDIR=${BINDIR} install || die # we do not support initcpio mdelete -r /usr/lib/initcpio || die minstalldocs COPYING README || die }