# $Id$ PNAME="freetype" PVER="2.9" PBUILD="r1" PCAT="media-libs" DESCRIPTION="truetype font rendering libraries." HOMEPAGE="http://www.freetype.org/" # dep-loop with >= media-libs/harfbuzz # freetype needs harfbuzz and harfbuzz needs freetype # bootstrap without harfbuzz support, build harfbuzz and after that # rebuild everything with harfbuzz enabled # # enable=1 or disable=0 harfbuzz support ENABLE_HARFBUZZ=1 DEPEND=">= virtual/glibc >= media-libs/libpng-1.5 >= sys-libs/zlib-1.2 >= app-arch/bzip2-1" if [[ ${ENABLE_HARFBUZZ} = 1 ]] then DEPEND="${DEPEND} >= media-libs/harfbuzz-libs-0.9" fi SRCFILE="${PNAME}-${PVER}.tar.bz2" SRCDIR="${BUILDDIR}/${PNAME}-${PVER}" sminclude multilib mbuild SRC_URI=( http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/${PNAME}/${SRCFILE} mirror://${PNAME}/${SRCFILE} ) UP2DATE="updatecmd http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/${PNAME}/ | highesttarball" src_compile() { # otherwise mkfontscale could SIGSEGV or SIGILL # see ( redhat bug 118021 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=118021) export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -fno-strict-aliasing" export CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -fno-strict-aliasing" local myconf if [[ ${ENABLE_HARFBUZZ} = 1 ]] then myconf="--with-harfbuzz" else myconf"--without-harfbuzz" fi mconfigure ${myconf} || die mmake || die } src_install() { mmake DESTDIR=${BINDIR} install || die minstalldocs ChangeLog README README.CVS minstalldocs docs/{CHANGES,CUSTOMIZE,PATENTS,*.TXT,*.txt,reference,release,TODO,TRUETYPE} || die }