# $Id$ PNAME="iptables" PVER="1.6.1" PBUILD="r2" PCAT="net-misc" DESCRIPTION="iptables is used to create internet firewalls based on stateless and stateful packet filtering." HOMEPAGE="http://www.netfilter.org/" DEPEND=">= net-libs/libmnl-1 >= net-libs/libnftnl-1 >= net-libs/libpcap-1.8" SDEPEND=">= virtual/kernel-headers >= sys-dev/flex-2.6 >= sys-dev/bison-3" SRCFILE="${PNAME}-${PVER}.tar.bz2" SRCDIR="${BUILDDIR}/${PNAME}-${PVER}" sminclude mtools mbuild systemd msetfeature "!check" # cvs revisions SCRIPT_REV=1.3 CONFD_REV=1.2 SVC_REV=1.2 SRC_URI=( http://www.netfilter.org/projects/${PNAME}/files/${SRCFILE} mirror://${PNAME}/${SRCFILE} mirror://${PNAME}/iptables.sh-${SCRIPT_REV} mirror://${PNAME}/iptables.confd-${CONFD_REV} mirror://${PNAME}/iptables.service-${SVC_REV} ) # exclude rc versions UP2DATE="updatecmd http://www.netfilter.org/projects/${PNAME}/files | grep -v '.*rc.*' | highesttarball" src_compile() { cd ${SRCDIR} mconfigure \ --libexecdir=/usr/$(mlibdir) \ --without-kernel \ --enable-devel \ --enable-libipq \ --enable-nftables \ --enable-bpf-compiler \ --enable-nfsynproxy \ || die # fix parallel make errors make -C iptables xtables-config-parser.h || die mmake || die } src_install() { cd ${SRCDIR} mmake DESTDIR=${BINDIR} install || die # installs headers minstalldir /usr/include/libiptc || die minstalldir /usr/$(mlibdir) || die minstalldir /usr/$(mlibdir)/iptables || die minstallfile include/iptables.h /usr/include || die minstallfile include/ip6tables.h /usr/include || die minstallfile include/iptables/internal.h /usr/include/iptables || die # the makefile seems to handle them now correctly # minstallfile libiptc/libiptc.a /usr/$(mlibdir) || die # minstallfile include/libiptc/\*.h /usr/include/libiptc || die # install iptables rc & conf.d for ipv4 minstallconf iptables.confd-${CONFD_REV} iptables || die minstalldir /usr/lib/systemd || die minstallexec -s iptables.sh-${SCRIPT_REV} /usr/lib/systemd/magellan-iptables || die minstallunit iptables.service-${SVC_REV} iptables.service || die # now for ipv6; some line needs to be seded minstallconf iptables.confd-${CONFD_REV} ip6tables || die minstallexec -s iptables.sh-${SCRIPT_REV} /usr/lib/systemd/magellan-ip6tables || die minstallunit iptables.service-${SVC_REV} ip6tables.service || die # fix iptables-cmds for ipv6 sed -i -e "s:^\(SVC_NAME=\).*:\1ip6tables:" \ -e "s:^\(IPTABLES=\).*:\1/usr/bin/ip6tables:" \ -e "s:^\(IPTABLES_SAVE=\).*:\1/usr/bin/ip6tables-save:" \ -e "s:^\(IPTABLES_RESTORE=\).*:\1/usr/bin/ip6tables-restore:" \ -e "s:^\(IPTABLES_PROC=\).*:\1/proc/net/ip6_tables_names:" \ ${BINDIR}/usr/lib/systemd/magellan-ip6tables || die sed -i -e "s:IPv4:IPv6:g" \ -e "s:iptables:ip6tables:g" \ ${BINDIR}/usr/lib/systemd/system/ip6tables.service || die sed -i -e "s:iptables:ip6tables:g" \ ${BINDIR}/etc/conf.d/ip6tables || die # prevents removing of iptables-save default path mkeepdir /var/lib/iptables || die mkeepdir /var/lib/ip6tables || die # docs minstalldocs COPYING INCOMPATIBILITIES || die }