# $Header: /magellan-cvs/smage/torsmo/torsmo-0.18-r6.smage2,v 1.2 2008/02/07 14:23:54 niro Exp $ PNAME="torsmo" PVER="0.18" PBUILD="r6" PCATEGORIE="app-admin" STATE="testing" DESCRIPTION="torsmo is a system monitor that sits in the corner of your desktop." HOMEPAGE="http://torsmo.sourceforge.net/" DEPEND=">= virtual/glibc >= x11-libs/libICE-1 >= x11-libs/libXext-1 >= x11-libs/libX11-1 >= x11-libs/libSM-1 >= x11-libs/libXrender-0.9 >= x11-libs/libXdamage-1 >= x11-libs/libXft-1 >= media-libs/freetype-2" SDEPEND=">= sys-dev/autoconf-2.59 >= sys-dev/automake-1.9.3 >= x11-libs/libXt-1 >= x11-proto/xextproto-1 >= x11-proto/xproto-1" SRCFILE="${PNAME}-${PVER}.tar.gz" SRCDIR="${BUILDDIR}/${PNAME}-${PVER}" SRC_URI=( sourceforge://${PNAME}/${SRCFILE} mirror://${PNAME}/${SRCFILE} mirror://${PNAME}/${PNAME}-${PVER}.noswap.patch ) src_prepare() { munpack ${SRCFILE} || die cd ${SRCDIR} # fixes some issues when no swap is available # see http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1153280&group_id=108594&atid=650931 mpatch ${PNAME}-${PVER}.noswap.patch || die } src_compile() { cd ${SRCDIR} mconfigure --enable-xft || die mmake || die } src_install() { cd ${SRCDIR} make DESTDIR=${BINDIR} install || die minstalldocs AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README torsmorc.sample || die }