[# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ] [# CUSTOMIZE ME: To avoid displaying "binary garbage" -- the contents of ] [# files with non-human-readable file formats -- change the value of the ] [# hide_binary_garbage variable below to 1. ] [# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ] [define hide_binary_garbage]0[end] [# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ] [# setup page definitions] [is annotation "annotated"] [define page_title]Annotation of /[where][end] [else] [define page_title]Contents of /[where][end] [end] [define help_href][docroot]/help_rootview.html[end] [# end] [include "include/header.ezt" "markup"] [include "include/file_header.ezt"]
Revision [if-any revision_href][rev][else][rev][end] - ([is annotation "annotated"]hide annotations[else]show annotations[end]) [if-any download_href](download)[end] [if-any download_text_href](as text)[end] [if-any vendor_branch] (vendor branch)[end]
[if-any date][date][else](unknown date)[end] [if-any ago]([ago] ago)[end] by [if-any author][author][else](unknown author)[end] [if-any orig_path]
Original Path: [orig_path] [end] [if-any branches]
Branch: [branches] [end] [if-any tags]
CVS Tags: [tags] [end] [if-any branch_points]
Branch point for: [branch_points] [end] [is roottype "cvs"] [if-any changed]
Changes since [prev]: [changed] lines [end] [end] [if-any mime_type]
File MIME type: [mime_type] [end] [is roottype "svn"][if-any size]
File size: [size] byte(s) [end][end] [if-any lockinfo]
Lock status: Locked [lockinfo] [end] [is annotation "binary"]
Unable to calculate annotation data on binary file contents. [end] [is annotation "error"]
Error occurred while calculating annotation data. [end] [is state "dead"]
FILE REMOVED [end] [if-any log]
[if-any prefer_markup][define hide_binary_garbage]0[end][end] [if-any image_src_href][define hide_binary_garbage]0[end][end] [is hide_binary_garbage "1"]

This file's contents are not viewable. [if-any download_href]Please download this version of the file in order to view it.[end]

[else] [define last_rev]0[end] [define rowclass]vc_row_even[end] [if-any lines]
[for lines] [is lines.rev last_rev] [else] [is lines.rev rev] [define rowclass]vc_row_special[end] [else] [is rowclass "vc_row_even"] [define rowclass]vc_row_odd[end] [else] [define rowclass]vc_row_even[end] [end] [end] [end] [is annotation "annotated"] [end] [define last_rev][lines.rev][end] [end]
[lines.line_number][is lines.rev last_rev] [else][lines.author][end] [is lines.rev last_rev] [else][if-any lines.diff_href][end][lines.rev][if-any lines.diff_href][end][end][lines.text]
[else] [if-any image_src_href]
[end] [end] [end] [include "include/props.ezt"] [include "include/footer.ezt"]