[# setup page definitions] [define page_title]Query results on /[where][end] [define help_href][docroot]/help_rootview.html[end] [# end] [include "include/header.ezt"]


[# ]

Modify query

Show commands which could be used to back out these changes

+[plus_count]/-[minus_count] lines changed.

[if-any commits] [if-any show_branch] [end] [# uncommment, if you want a separate Description column: (also see below) ] [for commits] [for commits.files] [if-any show_branch] [end] [end] [if-any commits.limited_files] [end] [end]
Revision FileBranch+/- Date AuthorDescription
[if-any commits.files.rev][commits.files.rev][else] [end] [commits.files.dir]/ [commits.files.file] [if-any commits.files.branch][commits.files.branch][else] [end] [# only show a diff link for changes ] [is commits.files.type "Add"][end] [is commits.files.type "Change"][end] [is commits.files.type "Remove"][end] [commits.files.plus]/[commits.files.minus] [is commits.files.type "Add"][end] [is commits.files.type "Change"][end] [is commits.files.type "Remove"][end] [if-any commits.files.date][commits.files.date][else] [end] [if-any commits.files.author][commits.files.author][else] [end]
  Only first [commits.num_files] files shown. Show all files or adjust limit.
[end] [include "include/footer.ezt"]